The number of recipes also include private recipes.

121901 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
4. Cheese 1
4. CH 2
4. Cake abra 0
4. Butter cheese M&N 2
4. Bread Toasted v3 Graine 7
4. Biscuit (MnN) 0
4. BBGM O 57
4. Bavarian Cream Graine 1
4. Bavarian Cream (DX) (TPA) 4
4. Alo Cooling 1 1
4. (WS-23) 8
4) Mango (TPA) (MED) 1
4 Star General (MFS) 0
4 SOUR 2
4 seasons (GF) 1
4 P 1
4 Bom sabor 1
4 Berry medley (VIDIY) 1
4 Æble kanel(Twoj) 0
4 60
3w diamond powder 1
3Pamuk seker 6
3monkeys shot 1
3mml 30mg Nlc 0
3ml 30mg Nlc 2

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