The number of recipes also include private recipes.

121904 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
4. Sw MJ 1
4. Susu JS 6
4. Susu full cream (js2) 17
4. Sugar Rush 1
4. Strawberry Ripe (TPA) 1
4. Strawberry Jam V1 gr 1
4. Strawberry (TPA) 4
4. Rainbow cake scenti 1
4. Pukis scentium 0
4. Popcorn v3 2
4. Pie Crust (TPA) 1
4. PG 2
4. Peanut Butter (TPA) 10
4. Peanut Butter (DX) (TPA) 1
4. Pandan cream sc 1
4. Oat 25 (AB) 2
4. Newyork cheesecake (scentium) 6
4. New taro v3 0
4. Mengkudu 1
4. Matcha (JS) 1
4. mangolllolkk 1
4. Mango M&N 0
4. mango 1
4. Guava v2 graine 0
4. Guava v1 graine 0

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