The number of recipes also include private recipes.

121888 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
2. Santan v2 graine 1
2. Sky Milk 2
2. Sour blueberry v1 .gr 1
2. Soursop V2 (GRAINE) 0
2. Strawberry (R57) 2
2. Strawberry 8728 1
2. Strawberry e 1
2. Strawberry EAB 14
2. Strawberry r57 6
2. Strawberry Ripe 4
2. Strawberry Ripe (h57) 0
2. Strawberry Ripe N1 Rita 4
2. Strawberry Ripe. (TPA) 3
2. Strawberry Sweet 1
2. Super Oat v1 (GRAINE) 1
2. super oat v2 (GRAINE) 1
2. Susu 2
2. Susu full cream (js2) 1
2. Susu JS 0
2. SW 1
2. Sweet 1
2. Sweet vanilla A22536 1
2. sweetener js 33
2. Taro cream cheese 0
2. Taro V2 (GRAINE) 0

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